Send online intake forms via campaigns

Halaxy's built-in smart campaigns feature enables you to communicate with your patients and referral network via SMS or email - and it's more than a one-way communication channel, as you can send clinical tools and now intake forms to be completed by your patients online before and between appointments.
That's right, you can now attach your online intake forms to be sent via campaigns - so instead of sending it to one patient at a time, with campaigns you can send it to a group of patients at once!
Here are a few ideas on how you can use this feature in your practice:
✅ Create automated campaigns to send intake forms to new patients.
✅ Send intake forms via campaigns to current patients to update personal details.
✅ Send clinical tools and questionnaires to be completed between appointments.
✅ Send a clinical survey to patients and clients after appointments.
✅ Send intake forms via campaigns to capture your patients' payment details.
As you can see, there are many ways you can use Halaxy campaigns combined with online intake forms and clinical tools to facilitate patient management and improve patient outcomes. Here's a list of useful campaigns (and instructions) for your practice.
Using Intake Forms
In case you missed it: Halaxy intake forms are a faster and safer way to collect your patients' contact details, funding details, social history, and even detailed clinical information in preparation for them seeing you for the first time. You can also attach online intake forms, clinical questionnaires, and consent forms to be completed at the same time!
Capturing your patients' card details with intake forms
Many practitioners would like to process payments and rebates online but don't have their patients' card details stored in Halaxy.
So we thought we'd show how you can safely use Halaxy campaigns and online intake forms to securely capture your patients' payment and rebate details (and consent), as an example of how to use his feature.
Learn how to capture patient's credit card details via intake forms and campaigns