Online intake forms: Request your patient's signature and consent

You may be wondering if online intake forms can actually replace paper forms in a post-COVID-19 world, especially when it comes to the patient's signature and consent - so we're here today to announce new features and show you how it can be done!
Online intake forms are not only an absolute necessity for streamlining telehealth (and face-to-face) appointments; they are also very efficient when it comes to safely recording and storing your patients' data.
In fact, with Halaxy intake forms, you can go paperless without losing the paper trail.
The good news is that you can now request your patient's signature and keep a record of all completed online and consent forms - and you can view everything online, print, or export the forms to PDF.
Remove paper, remove admin work
One of the main reasons we can be attached to paper is because it seems easy: the patient completes the paper form, signs it and you feel it's done. The reality though is that the work for your practice is only starting, as you need to manually update your patient's profile and records - and this process not only takes time but it's also subject to human error.
With Halaxy Intake Forms, you have the best of both worlds: the information you need straight into your patient's profile and a secure online "paper" trail of everything.
New features to help you go paperless
If you are thinking about finally going paperless, now is the time to do so, as we released a list of additional features to intake forms last week and have more available today:
✅ Request patient signature - live today!
✅ Preview your intake form via email - live today!
✅ Consent checkbox for intake forms
✅ View, export and print completed intake forms
✅ Enable/disable two-factor authentication
✅ Reorder attached templates
Keep reading to learn how to use the new features in your practice.
Patient Intake Forms - New features released today:
1. Add a consent form and request your patients' signature
You're now able to request your patients' consent by adding a consent checkbox or request their signature before they complete and submit their intake forms.
This allows you to easily capture consent to treatment and to terms and conditions. Patients will not be able to submit the form without ticking the checkbox and/or signing the intake form.

Here's how to add a consent form to your patient intake form:
1. Create your consent form as a clinical note template. You do not need to add a section for the patient to sign or agree (Halaxy will do this automatically when you include it in your patient intake form).

2. When creating or editing your intake form, click Add Another Template and choose your consent form.
You will be able to choose any clinical template you have created. Only clinical note templates (not tool templates) will give you the option to add a signature or consent checkbox.
Learn more about consent forms

2. Send a preview intake form email
We're adding a Preview button to your Intake Forms settings page, so you can send a test or preview intake form email to yourself.
You will be able to test the intake form link and complete the test intake form online, just as if you were the patient.
This is what the intake form preview pop-up will look like - and you even have the option to attach files while testing your intake form email.

Patient Intake Forms - Additional features released last week:
3. View completed intake forms
When a patient submits a completed intake form, you will receive a notification in Halaxy and their patient profile will be automatically updated with the information.
You can now also view the completed intake form itself in its entirety - so you can see exactly what a patient has entered, including acceptance of terms and conditions.
Learn how to view completed intake forms

See completed intake forms in Halaxy or export them to PDF
You will be able to view and navigate the completed intake form as a pop-up in a view that matches how patients see the intake form and click Print to print it or export it to PDF.

4. Enable or disable two-factor authentication (2FA)
When enabling intake forms you now have the option to enable or disable 2FA (two-factor authentication).
If you select Yes, patients will be emailed an authentication code that they will need to enter before being able to access the intake form. If you select No, this step is skipped.

5. Re-order templates
When creating a new intake form or editing an existing one, you have the option to attach clinical notes and tools templates to be completed by the patient.
You now also have the option to re-order your clinical templates to be completed at a particular order by the patient.
Simply click and drag the icon on the left.