Navigating the Galaxy of Health with Halaxy (September)

Welcome to the September edition of our Navigating the Galaxy of Health with Halaxy newsletter. As part of this monthly newsletter, we’re committed to bringing you some of the biggest developments in Australian healthcare, including top research, news, and the inside take of what’s been happening at Halaxy.
🌌 Inside Halaxy
- We recently added the ability to enable the automatic verification of Medicare / DVA card details for your patients, removing uncertainty and keeping your records up to date. You can choose to automatically validate card details for patients with upcoming appointments or for new patients added to your Halaxy software. Learn more now.
- In August we also upgraded lists for easier management of your records, including searching, sorting, filtering and customising. These list updates improve mobile performance and security – helping to make running your practice easier.
🗂️ Research that caught our eye
Grand View Research (GVR) recently published research on the impact that digital payments innovation is having on the healthcare industry.
GVR argues that the adoption of digital payments in the healthcare industry has generated significant benefits for both practitioners and individuals and is helping healthcare practices streamline their payment transactions while avoiding time-consuming admin associated with payments processing.
Looking forward, GVR believes we will continue to see growth in digital payments adoption in the healthcare industry, driven by “a large societal shift towards digital transactions” and a “high participation of new users”.
Halaxy’s auto payments processing turbocharges the benefits of using Halaxy.
All you need to do is add a patient’s payment details just once and no matter whether you see the patient once or 20 times, the payment can be automatically processed for you at the time of the appointment – without you needing to do anything.
Thousands of practices choose to process payments with Halaxy every day because it streamlines their practice, removes their admin, and reduces their no shows. Discover more about Halaxy auto payments or read GVR’s payments research for yourself.
📰 What we’ve been reading
Check out the healthcare news that we’ve been reading:
- A look into some of the big questions facing women's health and the role GPs play in their treatment (RACGP)
- The impacts of the under provisioning of Allied Health in Australia’s aged care system (APHA)
- The Australian Commission of Safety and Quality in Health Care has released a new framework aimed at driving healthcare improvements, with a focus on using data to "inform clinical practice and policy" (Safety and Quality)
- Why we need inclusive data in healthcare and why we should take politics out of the equation (RACGP)
- Despite an abundance of doctors when compared to countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States, access remains a key issue for Australian patients (AHHA)
🗣️ Top Help Guide articles
Discover some of the most talked about Halaxy Help Guide articles in the last month:
- Learn more about Halaxy's free patient survey feature, including our guide to survey reports
- How to manage and customise your lists and reports in Halaxy
- Learn how Prescription reports help you easily track every prescription issued to patients in your practice
Important update re phishing emails
Like most people, we’re aware of an increase in phishing emails across Australia. We’ve put together a checklist to help you quickly and easily identify if an email you’ve received might be a phishing email.
1. Always check the sender's email address
At Halaxy we only ever send you emails from a ‘@halaxy’ email address, for example
2. Spelling and grammar mistakes
Emails from malicious sources will commonly contain spelling and grammar mistakes as well as strange looking formatting.
3. A false sense of urgency
Be cautious of emails which are overly emotional or convey a false sense of urgency. These are common tactics used by malicious actors aimed at making you take an action, for example clicking a malicious link.
This increase in phishing emails is another reason why we recommend all Halaxy users enable at least 2 unique two-factor authentication (2FA) methods on their Halaxy account. Enabling multiple 2FA methods is a quick and easy way to add an extra layer of security to your account.
If you have any questions about our latest newsletter or anything else at Halaxy, send us an email at