Medicare ECLIPSE: process private claims with Halaxy now
Halaxy's Medicare ECLIPSE integration makes processing in-patient claims to private health insurers as simple as processing Medicare claims in Halaxy.

Manually processing private health claims has long been one of the most time-consuming and challenging administrative tasks for medical specialists and their teams.
Medicare ECLIPSE integration is live!
That’s just one of the reasons we’re so excited to announce Medicare ECLIPSE is now available in Halaxy, making us one of the few practice management software providers in Australia to offer this powerful feature.
For specialists, Medicare ECLIPSE integration makes processing in-patient claims to private health insurers as simple as processing Medicare, DVA, and bulk bill claims in Halaxy. It takes just seconds and claims can be processed 50% faster using Medicare ECLIPSE.
Discover: 5 reasons specialists should start processing ECLIPSE claims with Halaxy
Whether you currently use or have been thinking about using Halaxy to run your practice, ECLIPSE integration means specialists never need to deal with manual paperwork or costly administrative processes.
How to process private Medicare ECLIPSE claims with Halaxy
Medicare ECLIPSE integration means everyone from specialists to administrators can:
• Process in-patient claims to health funds.
• Get status updates on Medicare ECLIPSE claims.
• Complete claiming reports to track payments made.
Plus, Halaxy makes it easy for you to import pre-set fees and private health funder information, so you can process private claims anywhere, anytime – all you need is an internet connected device, like a tablet or laptop.
Want to learn more? We have a range of practical articles to help you make the most of Halaxy's Medicare ECLIPSE integration, including:
- How to set up ECLIPSE online claiming
- How to lodge an ECLIPSE claim
- How to perform an ECLIPSE eligibility check
- Our comprehensive reference guide for all things ECLIPSE