Your Halaxy has a brand-new search button

Being able to quickly search for things has really revolutionised how we do life these days. We know it's still virtually impossible to find/solve the mystery of missing socks at home, but don't despair, life at your practice is about to get a bit easier: your Halaxy has a brand-new search button!

Have you seen the new magnifying glass icon on your menu? You can now use it to search for patient and invoice details - very, very handy indeed.

Here's how the new Halaxy search works:

The new search button allows you to quickly search for patient and invoice details in one click.

Patient search
Simply select Patient and type your patient's first and/or last name to find their profile. You can then quickly view the patient's details such as date of birth, address, number of appointments, any fee balance, and more.

You can also access their full profile and last appointment details by clicking on the links that appear on the search result page.

Invoice search
First select Invoice, then type the invoice number or the patient name that the invoice is related to, so you can quickly access the invoice details or go to the invoice page via the link.

What else would you like to search in your Halaxy?

We want to improve the search feature even further, so we want to hear from you: what else would you like to search in your Halaxy? Reply to this email with your suggestions!