Record relevant patient details using the new Social History intake form

Your patient's social history information can influence the way your patients respond and feel supported during the treatment. So, we've updated our Social History form intake, making it easier for you to record and track relevant background information about your patients.

The new Social History intake form covers all the key details that may be relevant to your patients' treatment:

Education level

You can add a child or adult patient's education information on the Social History page. Select the patient's highest level of education from the Level of Education drop-down menu (for child patients, this is their current education level; for adult patients, this is the highest level of education achieved). You also can enter the names of their educational institutions in the high school, primary school, and university fields.


For adult or adolescent patients, you can add any employment details on the Social History page including their employment status (e.g. full-time, part-time, self-employed, etc.), as well as their employer and position title, and any other relevant information.


You can record adult and child patients' family and family of origin information on the Social History tab.

For adult patients, select their marital status from the Marital Status drop-down menu, and record their current family structure (including partner and children information). As with child patients, you can also record their family of origin information including father and mother relationship and employment, siblings and birth order, and other information.


You can record demographic information about patients on the Social History page. You can select the patient's birth country, arrival age in your country (if they immigrated), enter languages spoken, and information about their religious background.

Each section also allows you to add any other relevant information in free-text fields.

Enabling the Social History form

To have the Social History intake form added to your patients' profiles, simply follow the steps below:

1. Go to Profile > Settings;
2. Under the Patient Portal section, click on the pencil icon next to Social History form;
3. Select Enable and click Submit.

The Social History page is now visible on the patients' profiles.

Editing the Social History page

If you haven't added any information to the patient's Social History page, the page will be blank.

To edit a patient's Social History form, follow the steps below:

1. Go to Patients > Patient List; then
2. Select the patient profile you'd like to edit;
3. Go to the Social History page and click Edit;

4. Fill the details you find relevant and save.

After you save, only the details you've added will appear on the Social History page, blank fields won't be visible. You can add more details at any time.

Customising your Social History Form

You can add/edit any questions in your Social History to make it relevant to your patients and practice. To edit current questions, as well as add new questions and/or sections, follow the steps below:

1. Go to Profile > Settings;
2. Under the Clinical Settings section, click on the pencil icon next to Social History form;
3. Edit current questions and/or new questions or sections, then click Save.

Your new Social History Form template is now saved and can be used to capture any information you find relevant about your patients. Simply go to your patient's profile and edit the details on their Social History page.