3 features to give you more control over your Halaxy account

Halaxy’s practice management software is customised to your practice. Discover how some of our latest features give you more control over how you manage your Halaxy account, including: 

📨 Option to require verification when emailing clinical notes

When you share a clinical note via email, you now have the option to require the recipient to enter a verification code before the note can be downloaded or viewed.  

This feature adds an extra layer of protection to the clinical notes you share so that only the person who the clinical note is intended for can access it.

📅 Restrict specific patients from making online bookings

You now have the ability to restrict specific patients from making online bookings with your practice and / or purchasing packages that your practice offers. This feature helps you manage patients who you may want to restrict from making bookings with your practice.

Patients with a ‘blocked’ (or ‘deceased’) status are automatically restricted from making online bookings and purchasing packages. 

🗂️ Restrict patients from sharing notes and other files 

You can now restrict specific patients from sharing information from their patient portal with you, including notes and files, clinical tools, future prescription requests, and other patient updates.  

This setting can help you manage the volume of communications received from particular patients.

For the full list of our latest features and updates, see our release notes.